<p> </p><p><strong>Welcome to the CMS Website category of the Digital Product Challenge Challenge organized by CBTW!</strong></p>
<p>Challenge Rules:<strong> </strong>CMS Website<span> category</span></p><p>You will have <strong>10 minutes</strong> to give the correct answer to<strong> 15 questions</strong>. The questions are multiple-choice with <strong>one and only one right answer</strong>. <strong>A good answer is +1. A wrong answer or skipped question results in a score of 0</strong>. The total score will be the cumulative score of all questions answered within the set timeframe of 10 minutes. In case of a tie, the timeframe to answer the questions will determine your ranking.</p>
<p><strong>Follow the steps to participate:</strong></p><p>1. Sign up or Sign in on your profile</p><p>2. <span>Take a deep breath & click Start</span></p><p>3. You will see your score right after your participation </p><p>4. The details of your score will be released privately to you just after the online phase</p><p>CBTW will announce the ranking at the end of the First Round. </p>